Prevention of infertility

How does fertility work?

Time flies and you don’t even realise it. You’ve always wanted to be a mom but it’s not the right moment yet.

But age matters, and it is the leading cause of 3 out of every 5 cases of infertility.

Between the ages of 25 and 35, female reproductive potential declines by as much as 50%.

Gráfica tiempo fertilidad

Fertility Study

prevencion esterilidad hormona antimü

Anti-müllerian hormone

The anti-müllerian hormone is detected in a blood sample and is used to measure a female’s ovarian reserve.

Prevención esterilidad ecografía recuento folículos antrales

Ultrasound with antral follicle count

Additionally, an ultrasound scan is performed to count the number of antral follicles and to provide more information about the anti-müllerian hormone result.

Prevención de la esterilidad (Y si a pesar de todo)

And what if, despite this information, I’m still not ready to become a mom?

Thanks to the advanced technique of cryopreservation, science makes it possible to preserve fertility and press pause on the clock so that the passing of time doesn’t work against us.

Vitrification is a very safe process that guarantees the viability of eggs once they are thawed, and the passing of time will not have any impact on their quality.

What can I do to boost my fertility?

cuidado fertilidad alimentación


Healthy eating prolongs your fertility.

cuidado fertilidad edad


Between the ages of 25 and 35 your ovarian reserve will decline by 50%.

cuidado fertilidad tabaco


Each cigarette you smoke decreases your odds of getting pregnant.

cuidado fertilidad deporte


Just 20 minutes of exercise a day will prolong your fertility.

First fertility visit is free

Request your first appointment cost-free at the clinic closest to you

Frequently asked questions about prevention of infertility

Does lifestyle impact fertility?

Yes, lifestyle habits are a very important factor in terms of both general and reproductive health.

Getting enough sleep, healthy eating, exercising, consuming coffee and alcohol in moderation and refraining from smoking are essential habits that not only have a direct impact on infertility prevention, but also on the possible outcomes we may obtain through different assisted reproduction methods.

Can obesity have an impact on assisted reproduction techniques?

Yes, obesity in and of itself is a pro-inflammatory state with greater hormonal metabolism. As a result, it is going to be a determining factor when trying to conceive.

Does smoking affect fertility?

Yes. The vasoconstriction effect of smoking, in addition to the increased production of free radicals, impacts sperm quality in males and ovarian reserve in females.