Mom and dad

We believe in your family planning project

At Ginemed we use everything that medicine, science and our hearts have to offer to make your dream a reality. Thousands of babies all over the world are our best answer.


Pictograma inseminación Artificial

Artificial Insemination

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Pictograma fecundación in vitro

In Vitro Fertilisation

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Pictograma ovodonación

Egg Donation

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Pictograma doble donación

Double Donation

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Pictograma donación de embriones

Embryo Donation

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Programa embarazo seguro

Egg Donation Program with Guaranteed Results

Now your treatment plan offers the peace of mind that comes with knowing you will obtain a guaranteed number of eggs, embryos, or a pregnancy.

What will my treatment be like if I don’t live in Spain?

We know that when a woman decides she wants to become a mother she is making one of the most important decisions of her life. Because the desire to be a mother is one that crosses all races, languages and borders, our International Department wants to be by your side when you need it most in order to make your journey as pleasant as possible. Our International Department is made up of native coordinators who will accompany you before, during and after your pregnancy.

We’ll assign you a doctor and a native coordinator

Who will assist you in your native language from the moment you first contact us.

You’ll only need to make one trip to Spain

Which you’ll be able to arrange far enough in advance so that you can book hotels, flights and time off from work. The rest of your appointments can be carried out remotely: by video-call, phone or email.

1st visit is cost-free

If you’d like to meet us in person and undergo all of the preliminary testing with us.

Preliminary testing and ultrasounds during treatment

This can also be done in your country with your gynaecologist. We’ll send you all the necessary instructions.

We’ll adapt to you.

With the necessary resources to get started once you’re ready. No waiting times.

Real Stories

Read the stories of Ginemed patients whose dreams of becoming parents have already come true.

Frequently asked questions

What are my chances of getting pregnant with assisted reproduction treatment?

The chances of getting pregnant with assisted reproduction treatment depend on several different factors.

The results we obtain will largely depend on the causes of infertility and the treatment we decide to use. This is because each patient’s case is unique, as is each treatment. The age of the female is one of the most important factors given that a woman’s fertility declines as she ages, and achieving a pregnancy with own eggs after the age of 42 is extremely unlikely (chances are <10%).

At Ginemed, our success rates surpass the national and international average and are audited externally. You can view our annual results here or find out your chances directly by contacting us.

Is there a wait list to begin assisted reproduction treatment?

At Ginemed there are no wait times for your assisted reproduction treatment. We’ll start when you’re ready to start. For that reason we work 365 days a year regardless of whether it’s a weekday or a holiday.

Additionally, thanks to our large donor base and donor solidarity, if your treatment requires donated eggs (egg donation), you won’t have to wait either. We can select from among hundreds of donors in order to find the one who best resembles the recipient and future mom.

Is there an age limit for undergoing assisted reproduction treatment?
In Spain there is no legal age limit for undergoing assisted reproduction treatment. Normally the established limit is 50 years of age, but this depends on the woman’s health and physical condition as well as the possible risks that could impact the baby’s health, among other factors.